ABSL MF Gamification FingoMF 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Invesco India Credit Risk Reg Gr

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 1833.9556
24-02-2025 1833.468
21-02-2025 1832.3257
20-02-2025 1831.9551
18-02-2025 1831.9301
17-02-2025 1831.2294
14-02-2025 1830.2275
13-02-2025 1829.782
12-02-2025 1830.1706
11-02-2025 1830.0516
10-02-2025 1829.2446
07-02-2025 1829.1205
06-02-2025 1830.8599
05-02-2025 1830.132
04-02-2025 1829.1203
03-02-2025 1828.9954
31-01-2025 1827.2529
30-01-2025 1827.6037
29-01-2025 1827.2991
28-01-2025 1827.2272
27-01-2025 1827.1852
24-01-2025 1824.665
23-01-2025 1823.4226
22-01-2025 1823.5066
21-01-2025 1822.4066
20-01-2025 1821.1542
17-01-2025 1819.4149
16-01-2025 1819.8947
15-01-2025 1816.6322
14-01-2025 1815.1809
13-01-2025 1814.6233
10-01-2025 1818.1912
09-01-2025 1817.7537
08-01-2025 1817.7513
07-01-2025 1818.3391
06-01-2025 1817.5017
03-01-2025 1815.9276
02-01-2025 1815.2446
01-01-2025 1815.0476
31-12-2024 1815.8149
30-12-2024 1814.1664
27-12-2024 1812.745
26-12-2024 1812.8736
24-12-2024 1812.9961
23-12-2024 1813.0262
20-12-2024 1811.7667
19-12-2024 1811.8308
18-12-2024 1813.5299
17-12-2024 1812.8187
16-12-2024 1813.4315
13-12-2024 1812.4863
12-12-2024 1811.7948
11-12-2024 1812.1834
10-12-2024 1812.4352
09-12-2024 1811.8132
06-12-2024 1809.4589
05-12-2024 1812.1437
04-12-2024 1811.824
03-12-2024 1810.139
02-12-2024 1809.9116
29-11-2024 1806.8402
28-11-2024 1804.0578
27-11-2024 1803.6374
26-11-2024 1802.8108
25-11-2024 1802.7768
22-11-2024 1800.6895
21-11-2024 1801.0342
19-11-2024 1801.2958
18-11-2024 1800.5065
14-11-2024 1798.9357
13-11-2024 1800.3614
12-11-2024 1800.6088
11-11-2024 1800.7607
08-11-2024 1799.9995
07-11-2024 1799.131
06-11-2024 1798.8679
05-11-2024 1798.7831
04-11-2024 1798.4054
31-10-2024 1797.2723
30-10-2024 1797.7951
29-10-2024 1796.605
28-10-2024 1795.0457
25-10-2024 1795.2413
24-10-2024 1796.0516
23-10-2024 1795.7014
22-10-2024 1794.6293
21-10-2024 1794.2138
18-10-2024 1794.5897
17-10-2024 1795.646
16-10-2024 1795.8914
15-10-2024 1796.1645
14-10-2024 1795.2341
11-10-2024 1793.9975
10-10-2024 1794.0991
09-10-2024 1794.2717
08-10-2024 1791.7051
07-10-2024 1789.5601
04-10-2024 1789.4684
03-10-2024 1792.3438
01-10-2024 1793.9916
30-09-2024 1792.3234
27-09-2024 1790.8611
26-09-2024 1792.39
25-09-2024 1790.68
24-09-2024 1789.1198
23-09-2024 1788.5818
20-09-2024 1787.8197
19-09-2024 1787.7959
17-09-2024 1785.9255
16-09-2024 1786.6136
13-09-2024 1784.078
12-09-2024 1782.9235
11-09-2024 1781.7551
10-09-2024 1780.0819
09-09-2024 1779.3447
06-09-2024 1778.4046
05-09-2024 1778.2533
04-09-2024 1778.0975
03-09-2024 1777.3996
02-09-2024 1777.0595
30-08-2024 1776.7104
29-08-2024 1776.7173
28-08-2024 1776.539
27-08-2024 1776.2171
26-08-2024 1776.5073
23-08-2024 1775.1387
22-08-2024 1775.1445
21-08-2024 1774.7853
20-08-2024 1774.6979
19-08-2024 1773.935
16-08-2024 1772.6864
14-08-2024 1772.5659
13-08-2024 1771.2846
12-08-2024 1771.0535
09-08-2024 1770.2405
08-08-2024 1769.853
07-08-2024 1770.0286
06-08-2024 1769.3253
05-08-2024 1769.2934
02-08-2024 1767.2038
01-08-2024 1766.3959
31-07-2024 1765.7957
30-07-2024 1765.3036
29-07-2024 1765.8938
26-07-2024 1764.5107
25-07-2024 1763.5738
24-07-2024 1762.501
23-07-2024 1761.802
22-07-2024 1761.4262
19-07-2024 1760.6435
18-07-2024 1760.2847
16-07-2024 1759.6228
15-07-2024 1758.6278
12-07-2024 1757.4479
11-07-2024 1757.3488
10-07-2024 1757.2179
09-07-2024 1756.4889
08-07-2024 1756.1413
05-07-2024 1755.0755
04-07-2024 1754.7965
03-07-2024 1754.4984
02-07-2024 1753.8302
01-07-2024 1753.1857
28-06-2024 1752.4002
27-06-2024 1752.1128
26-06-2024 1751.9017
25-06-2024 1752.0833
24-06-2024 1752.2386
21-06-2024 1751.3221
20-06-2024 1750.64
19-06-2024 1750.2848
18-06-2024 1749.6284
14-06-2024 1748.4524
13-06-2024 1748.1682
12-06-2024 1747.0387
11-06-2024 1746.6674
10-06-2024 1745.8783
07-06-2024 1745.3749
06-06-2024 1745.0721
05-06-2024 1743.9642
04-06-2024 1742.8584
03-06-2024 1746.2301
31-05-2024 1743.9058
30-05-2024 1743.2959
29-05-2024 1742.8312
28-05-2024 1742.9883
27-05-2024 1743.2838
24-05-2024 1742.1948
22-05-2024 1741.3857
21-05-2024 1739.8498
17-05-2024 1737.9807
16-05-2024 1738.3253
15-05-2024 1737.5965
14-05-2024 1736.5512
13-05-2024 1735.8564
10-05-2024 1734.7028
09-05-2024 1733.9552
08-05-2024 1733.4991
07-05-2024 1733.5881
06-05-2024 1733.9294
03-05-2024 1731.6001
02-05-2024 1730.6924
30-04-2024 1728.8493
29-04-2024 1728.7867
26-04-2024 1727.861
25-04-2024 1727.3225
24-04-2024 1727.672
23-04-2024 1728.1216
22-04-2024 1726.8626
19-04-2024 1724.8431
18-04-2024 1726.2432
16-04-2024 1725.2889
15-04-2024 1725.7869
12-04-2024 1724.7047
10-04-2024 1726.6346
08-04-2024 1724.5061
05-04-2024 1725.1601
04-04-2024 1725.4679
03-04-2024 1724.7047
02-04-2024 1724.2814
31-03-2024 1725.3903
28-03-2024 1724.6534
27-03-2024 1722.4198
26-03-2024 1721.4427

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